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* Fixed casting distance exploits with Skewer


* Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause everyone in the game gets a massive FPS drop for a minute


* Fixed casting distance exploits with Skewer修正猛犸獠牙冲刺施法距离的漏洞* Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause everyone in the game gets a massive FPS drop for a minute修正了一个会致使所有玩家都大量丢桢一分钟的 BUG* Fixed Cleave/Anchor Smash from instantly killing Swarm creatures修正了分裂/广东哪家三甲医院治癫痫锚击会一下就把蚂蚁的虫群生物打死的问题* Various performance improvements when casting The Swarm提高了释放虫群时的多项表现(解决卡顿之类问题)* Fixed Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip修正了灵魂汲取持续施法时在工具栏里的文字* Non-hero units now do half damage to The Swarm非英雄单位现在对虫群造成的伤害减半(也就是说,对于普通单位的攻击,每次只能打掉虫子0.5 滴血)* Commands like -test and -wtf are now restricted if there is a gamebot deciding the mode to be used现在,如果有一个gamebot决定游戏使用的模式,-test和-wtf这样的命令会被限制* Fixed a bug with lifesteal and The Swarm creatures修正了虫群能吸血的BUG(这是BUG?我再也不想玩蚂蚁了~~ 小小的VT才TM是BUG - -)* Fixed a rare Mac issue with shared Soul Ring修正了在Mac上共享的灵魂之戒的一个罕见问题* Added passive icon for Strygyer's Thirst 给血魔的嗜血渴望添加了一个被动图标* Added passive icon for Plague 给尸王的瘟疫添加了一个被动图标



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